Every single time we go to an outdoor skate park on this channel it seems we get kicked out. The reason for this is that New Jersey has very strict rules against BMX bikes in skate parks. Finally we have one of the most epic outdoor skate parks that has just been built that allows bike riders to enjoy the fun as well. We went to the skate park early in the morning so that there was no chance anyone would be there so we can have it all to ourselves to enjoy. It worked out awesome we were at the skate park for 2 1/2 hours completely by ourselves and by the looks on the boys faces it is a very fun skate park! We did the first ever flare challenge at the skate park, record of the highest air, big boy got his skateboarding on, and he definitely got the first couple falls. It is so awesome to finally have another outdoor skate park that welcomes bikes we hope this trend continues. I hope you guys enjoy this one remember to like comment and subscribe.

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