We made it to 300,000 SUBSCRIBERS! And in honor of hitting this amazing achievement we decided to do a special challenge video for you guys! We are just getting back from our California trip where Big Boy had his worst spinal experience yet. But, after reading a few comments on the video we soon realized that Big Boy was wearing the same Vans shirt in both of the Spinal crashes! So we decided it’s time to break the curse! Big Boy is going to get redemption on both tricks and we are starting with the Rail ride to barspin at the west windsor skatepark from the video „DARE ME TO JUMP THE HALFPIPE“ Big Boy was stressing really bad about this challenge but we told him all the right things to get his confidence up! And Big Boy committed to landing the trick but does he get it?? Go watch the video to find out! Follow me @SCOTTYCRANMER and remember to SUBSCRIBE!
