Éclat Natives Episode 3: Darryl Tocco

When you say the name Darryl Tocco, you think of a few things; PRO bike rider, accomplished filmmaker and world class air miler. Darryl is also the perfect candidate to discuss and open up to what he thinks about BMX in general, the internet and growing up inside a BMX industry as both a pro rider and a film maker.

Natives Part 3 explores in brief the background of Darryl Tocco, it also verges on his likes and dislikes in BMX. He also does what he does every single day; riding his bike.

Filmed by Scott Macmenamin
Directed by Paul Robinson
Additional filming/riding clips: Jay Roe, Dan Coller, Walter Pieringer, Brett Tocco
Produced by Eclat BMX

Part 4: Chester Blacksmith coming soon.


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