How-Tuesday: Vertical 180 Nosebonks w/ Zach Krejmas | RideBMX

Vertical 180 nose bonks are one of the tricks that I learned in my early days of spot adaptation. I didn’t have much to ride in my immediate surrounding areas, so on my solo cruises during the week i’d have to make the most of what I had. I believe it was Ian Schwartz in Mosh “So Freestyle” who turned me onto this counterpart of the traditional 180 nose bonk… Walls are everywhere, and as a result this is a trick that you can do nearly anywhere. Learn the vertical 180 nose bonk, then take it to a setup, or ad onto it. Someone needs to handle the vertical 180 nose bonk to bar. – Zach Krejmas

Music: Birocratic – “Matlak”

Respect to Woodward for supporting the BMX youth with “How-Tuesday

