X GAMES 2016! DAY 5

Today is the day before my competition here at Xgames! I started the morning off with breakfast and then followed by the grossest fart that Big Boy ever layed.. I can’t take it anymore! We drove over to the X games and started practicing my full run and trying to work out all the kinks so that come competition day, I can bring the best riding that i possibly can! after practice I had a Skype group chat scheduled for 4pm and me and Big Boy had such an awesome time hanging out and chatting with everyone! Then after that we went to watch the BMX vert Final where Dennis McCoy got bronze Simon Tabron got silver and Jamie Bestwick tied the man himself Dave Mirra for the most X games Gold Medals by a BMX rider! Such an awesome day and I am so excited for tomorrow! Follow me @SCOTTYCRANMER and remember to SUBSCRIBE!

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