After we finished up the flat ground game of bike we moved on to part 2 of the session, we brought out the rainbow ramp! we set the ramp up in the middle of the bike shop and had an awesome session riding with all our friends! Cory Berglar did a fakie challenge! And then Big Boy crashed more than I have ever seen him crash before! It was like he was destined for failure that night, every trick he attempted, easy or not turned into a fail compilation! Beat but not broken I handed the camera over to Big Boy and I started riding with the crew! Dom did a crazy 540! Vinny did a 180 tail whip to flat, Ronnie had us cracking up laughing, I had fun moving the ramp around the store and riding random things like the concrete walls, the monster refrigerator, and even a clothing rack! We had so much fun and it was a good change of scenery! Maybe a little rain is okay! Follow me @SCOTTYCRANMER and remember to SUBSCRIBE!
