The Florida trip was fun while lasted but as we all know at some point the fun has to stop! But on the Scotty Cranmer channel that’s not an option finally arrive back in NJ and I went to go visit Scotty. I hung out with them all day at the rehab center we had an absolutely awesome time. He let you guys in on some of these new progress shows you what is going to be doing in the future and talks about his time at the rehab center. The amount of progress that he has made is unbelievable me being there the day that he crashed and see him now it almost brings tears to my eyes. I remember when I was at the hospital the night that he crashed the doctor look me in the eyes and said your friend will never walk again with confidence. And to see him take steps in a walker on his own makes you want to go back to the doctor said I told you so, because when he said that I said Sir I promise you my friend will walk again. If you’re ever having a bad day just remember if you just think like Scotty you can get motivated to do anything you want in life that is when the new life lessons that I’ve learned. I hope you guys enjoy this one remember to like, comment, and subscribe and peace!
